Incoming Students and Parents
Auditions are only required for the Wind Ensemble, Raven Winds, Jazz Ensemble I, II, & III and for 9th graders who choose to audition for the Marching Band. Otherwise, any student who has experience playing an instrument may join the band program. Students without playing experience should first visit with the ONW directors. Percussionists audition for part placement within the marching band in May after completing the concert component successfully.
Incoming 9th grade students who want to be considered for the marching band and / or Jazz I, II, and III are asked to perform an audition. Music and instructions for the audition are available below or from your music teacher. Auditions will take place in the ONW band room after school the week of Monday March 31st – Thursday April 3rd.
Additional band details are available in the Freshman Information and Welcome Packet
Don’t hesitate to ask any questions by e-mailing Mr. Davis at rdavisonw@olatheschools.org .
Audition Music
Frequently Asked Questions
When does band rehearse?
Band is a regular class during the day. Marching Band rehearses from 7 AM through 1st hour in the fall until the season ends in October. During the winter and spring, Jazz Band and drumline may have special rehearsals at 7 AM. Concert Band rehearses during the day all year and typically doesn’t have extra practices outside of the school day.
Freshmen who are placed in the marching band do not take 2 credits of band. They will enroll in the marching band option instead of concert band for semester 1, and symphonic band or wind ensemble for semester 2 (two ½ credits). After marching season, these students will then stay in Symphonic Band OR play in the advanced ensembles if they’ve earned a spot through their auditions.
When does Marching Band start?
Marching band students get a jump start on the show and literature for the season over the summer. These dates are required for all students who wish to participate in marching band. The dates for camps in 2025 are:
• Full Band Camp (All Marching Band Students) is June 2rd – 4th & July 28nd – August 7th. (8 - 4) no weekends
• Percussion students will also have percussion camp from July 21st – 25th (8:00am-4:00pm).
• In addition, we will host two HIGHLY RECOMMENDED “mini-camps” on July 1st and 2nd, from 8am – 12:30pm. We spend two hours outside learning marching fundamentals, and then inside working on music. Students can come to one or both sessions. More details will be provided before the end of the school year.
Full Band Camp runs from 8 AM to 4:00 PM with a lunch break. All students will receive a detailed schedule and music in late May. Please note that August 7th is reserved as a flex day! A parent performance will take place that evening. All band students will need to bring a lunch to summer band events. Lunch off campus is not permitted.
Is there a Fee?
There will be a band fee to cover the expenses that the band program needs to be successful. Fees vary depending upon which band you are enrolled in. More information on fees will come out later this spring. Assistance will be provided to families that have a need. Don’t hesitate to visit with Mr. Davis if ever a financial assistance need should arise.