Welcome to the proud tradition of the Olathe Northwest Raven Bands! We are so pleased that you and your student will be involved in one of the largest and most successful high school band programs in the Midwest.

Band Director
Robert Davis
Contact: rdavisonw@olatheschools.org

Assistant Band Director
Ben Gervais
Contact: bgervais@olatheschools.org

Shelley Hunter
Contact: president@ravenbands.org

Vice President
Katie Garcia
Contact: vp@ravenbands.org

Susan Johnson
Contact: secretary@ravenbands.org

Beth Riekeman & Patricia Dresbach
Contact: treasurer@ravenbands.org

Amy Lucas
Contact: historian@ravenbands.org

Publicity Chair
Christina Seitzinger
Contact: publicity@ravenbands.org

Band BINGO Night Coordinators
Maureen Gray & Michelle Gast
Contact: bingo@ravenbands.org

DCI Brass Impact Coordinator
Jena McElwain
Contact: dci@ravenbands.com

Food Coordinators
Lyndsay Osborn & Elizabeth Pedigo
Contact: foodcoordinator@ravenbands.org

Chris Pedigo
Contact: roadies@ravenbands.org

Amanda (Pictured) & Scott Sibson
Contact: props@ravenbands.org

Volunteer Coordinator
Jennifer Andersen
Contact: volunteers@ravenbands.org

Blues & BBQ Coordinator
Sarah Nickel
Contact: auction@ravenbands.org

End of Year Banquet
Contact: banquet@ravenbands.org

Fundraising Coordinator
Jessica Edwards
Contact: fundraising@ravenbands.org

Paula Brekken & Laura Gordon
Contact: uniforms@ravenbands.org

Spirit Wear
Shay Link
Contact: spiritwear@ravenbands.org

John Gray
Contact: webmaster@ravenbands.org